A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Monday, December 13, 2010

..:::Oh Christmas Tree.::.Oh Christmas Tree::..

I like the holidays...for the most part. Okay, I could do without the sale-crazed people, the outrageous consumption of the masses, and I could definitely do without the Christmas music before Thanksgiving.... However, the generosity of the season outweighs the cons. The unselfishness always amazes me.

Well, back to the music...
I'm not one of those people who listens to Christmas music in July. I find it odd and somewhat irritating. I hate it when the radio starts playing it before Thanksgiving. It's just irritating. BUT, when I DO start listening to festive music, I just can't stop! In fact, they're playing in my classroom right now!

Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys the season's songs. My second graders have been singing along all afternoon. I LOVE hearing them sing along to the songs (even if they're not all the right words) haha


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh, YOU!!

In mass this morning, the priest was offering up the eucharist (as they are wont to do during every mass). During a brief pause a small voice from the side of the church exclaims: "Is that REALLY God's body?"

There is humor everywhere
