"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."
-Deitrich Bonhoeffer
I don't know who Deitrich Bonhoeffer is but his statement rings true in my mind. I am currently contemplating just how much we TRULY value our children today. While I could probably write a dissertation on this subject, for this purpose I'll reflect solely in regards to education...
According to Delaine Easton, the Superintendent of Schools in CA, we are one of the bottom states when it comes to per pupil spending- compare our $6,500 to New York's $11,000...geeze, that's almost double! In 2004, one district in the San Fransisco area has already had to cut $28 MILLION! This resulted in NO sports programs, closed libraries, and over 200 teachers being fired! This was all over 5 years ago! Nothings gotten better and it seems as if we are slowly spinning down an ever-flushing toilet.
If we can judge morality by how we treat children, how do our current circumstances reflect upon our society? It seems as if education is one of the first things that is cut and the last to be reinstated. The dreaded budget cuts have become a shadow that is ever-looming over our children's education. Do we really not care about the quality of our children's education? Do we just ship them off to school because it's mandated? Do we even care what they do there? I do. I know you do. I'm not so sure if our society/polititians do. I'm upset because if we don't take care of our children now, they won't take care of our future and our morality is most definately doomed according to Mr. Bonhoeffer.
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