Thank God. Literally. Thank you, God! I thought I was making no progress. I feel like it finally clicked with her :) I thought I might as well have been talking to a brick wall for the last two weeks but then... oh. You have no clue what I'm talking about!
Ok, So I've been tutoring a kindergartener in English for the past month. When we first started, she could barely say the sounds of the letters let alone read anything. So, we practiced and she slowly picked up all the sounds of the letters. Then, we kind of hit a block wall. She didn't want to try, she started ignoring me, She made ZERO progress. I was discouraged to say the least. Colleagues said to keep at it. That it would click. Eventually. I was starting to doubt it. She understood that letters made sounds, but not that sounds made words. Nothing I did made it any better.
Then, out of the blue, she sounded out /car/!! All by herself. I didn't even have to prompt her :)) I almost jumped for joy in the middle of the library. You don't even understand my joy. I still get a smile when I think about it!
So, this is why I teach. I almost forgot.
Love it. You truly describe the meaning of teaching.