So, I'm not a Mommy...yet... but I'd like you to meet my beautiful Goddaughter, Vanessa!

I think that in some ways, being a
Godmommy is better than actually having one of my own. I get to spoil her and give her anything she wants without having to worry about the meltdown later. We have had a couple of slumber parties where we got to hang out ALL WEEKEND! We go to the zoo, take train rides, have picnics and tea parties, and stay up late watching cartoons. She is just so much fun to hang out with! Vanessa is the best because not only does she love me more than she loves her
Nino, she loves the dodgers as much as we do too!

She has bled Dodger blue since before we took her to her first game. Now, she knows the player's names and loves to cheer "Lets go Dodgers!!" On my Facebook, there's my favorite video of her and her Angel-loving Daddy at a Dodger/Angel game last year. It's HILARIOUS... go check it out!
Thank you Nessa for making it so easy to be your adoring Godmother!
Awe! We love you Nina!! We are so glad you play a major role in our daughters life!