It was Kindergarten's turn to plan the all-school mass and they did a FANTASTIC job. Only one froze up on us and the rest sat patiently in their pews. So, as a treat we had popsicles after nap time.
They had those popsicles with the really corny jokes on them...
What did the dentist say to the marching band? here's a tuba toothpaste
What smells funny? A clown
What do vegetables say at church? lettuce pray
What part of the computer was the elephant scared of? The mouse
What do you call cheese thats not yours? nacho cheese
Oh, theres tons and I find them funny, but the kiddies... not so much. They're not skilled in satire and rhetoric enough in their mere five years of existence. They always ask me to read their sticks, but look at me oddly when I start laughing. But today one tried making his own. It was something like Why did the duck cross the road? To eat a teacher!! OMG. haha
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