Aaaannyyyyway, I went on a fantastic interview two weeks ago. It was great. The principal was fabulous. We laughed. I had superb answers to all of her questions. The school was nice and had a family atmosphere. It was the perfect interview. As I left the office, I actually did a little hop and skip routine! Well, as you can tell the ending isn't a happy one. I got an email stating that there were over 500 applicants for the position and (of course) I wasn't chosen. 500 teachers applying to a Catholic school. Of course they were exaggerating right?!? Until I got this from the South Pasadena USD:
Dear Ashley,
Thank you for submitting your application to our district for one of the elementary teaching positions. We were overwhelmed by the response as we received over 1,000 applications. For us, this is a mixed blessing... blabittyblahblah...
Thank you for submitting your application to our district for one of the elementary teaching positions. We were overwhelmed by the response as we received over 1,000 applications. For us, this is a mixed blessing... blabittyblahblah...
Personally, I don't like those odds. How am I even supposed to compete? Things don't look good. So, I've done the only thing that a sane person would do. I sold out. Yup, I took an office job at a preschool. I guess it'll have to do. For now.
sometimes you have to do what you have to do, you never know it might be taking you somewhere unexpected and fun! xoxo