A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Thursday, January 13, 2011

BBC Typing

When I started in this position there was NO lesson plans, NO schedule of what to teach, NO idea what had gone on in years before. So, I asked the teachers what usually happens in computer lab and what they would like me to teach. The unanimous request was typing.

Apparently, the prior teachers didn't thing learning to type was a priority in computer class... nobody had ever taught it before. Although I did find a program in my bottomless pit of a closet (a story for another time) so I installed it and began teaching the 3 & 4th graders to type properly. This program turned out to be quite boring & as a result, groans accompanied the lessons *never a good sign*. So I began searching online for a better program to buy & came across the best resource EVER: the BBC website. Among MANY other resources they have a typing program.


This site is awesome for typing lessons for the following reasons:
1. It's FREE
2. It's musical
3. It encourages with an onscreen keyboard & tips.
4. It's musical
5. It has fun characters
6. It builds slowly with 12 different lessons
7. It's FREE!!!!

It's so much fun that I even learned to type better because I play it too :P
BUT, probably the best aspect to it is that the characters speak with a British accent. Because of this, I get to hear about sixty kids speaking with mock British accents! It's completely awesome and I laugh a little when they start calling each other "mate."


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