A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Twinkie Books

It's summer!! (insert cheering children here) This is DEFINATELY my time of year. There are probably a billion reasons I love the summer but here's my top 10...
  1. It's time for Dodger baseball :)
  2. I get to shrug out of those huge sweaters and slip into shorts and cute sundresses
  3. I get to shop during the week so I don't have to deal with the crazy crowds
  4. It's finally warm enought to hit the beach
  5. Summer blockbusters (am I the only one holding my breath for Eclipse?!)
  6. Friends always come home during the summer
  7. vacations
  8. bbq's and water fights
  9. hanging by the pool with a margarita ;P
  10. and like John Travolta said....Oh ohhhh those Suummer niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights!!
What I like most about summer is that there's time for twinkie books! During the school year, it's all about broccoli books, you know... books that serve an educational purpose. Text books, classics, assigned readings- all broccoli books. I like broccoli books. They're great...in moderation, but who doesn't love the 'i can't put it down,' 'don't talk to me right now,' complete indulgence of a twinkie book?! Twinkie books are the essence of reading. As teachers we try to assign twinkie books to instill the love of reading in our students, but there's nothing better than finding that one book you can't put down.
I love that feeling and have just found my twinkie book series for the summer :)

Caution: The following books are FOR ADULTS ONLY and I'm DEFINATELY not recommending them for your classroom- only for your personal mental health ;P

If you are like me, you have totally fallen for the blood sucking-epic love story-vampire trend as seen in the Twilight series. Maybe, like me, you have read all of the books. Twice. If so have I got the series for you. The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward is an adult Twilight. I found the seven-book series by recommendation of a few different friends and have already devoured the first four in a matter of two weeks. They are the ultimate twinkie books so don't start them unless you have some extra time to indulge- it's TOTALLY worth it. Lemme know if you agree! (but I know you will)


Monday, June 14, 2010

Aaaaaand...it's over.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. There will be graduations and parties, goodie bags and good bye hugs. The students who I have been fortunate enough to get to know and teach will be chomping at the bit to get out of school and set up play dates throughout the summer. Teachers will be packing up their classrooms and getting their mental faculties in order to take on a new class in two months. There is a tangible sigh of relief this time of year on every school campus as everyone is ready for a sybaritic vacation from reality.

I, on the other hand, will be job hunting (as ever) and praying to God that I get a position like the one I had this year. I was very fortunate to have been accepted into this school's family. What began as a six-week maternity leave coverage, turned into a six-month position. I have learned so much and have met many fabulous teachers and I am sad to give it up so easily. There is no position for me anymore because none of the teachers want to give up their classrooms (geeze! the gaul... haha). I thank them for letting me in for just a little while, and hope that there is something for me next year.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Over their Heads

It was Kindergarten's turn to plan the all-school mass and they did a FANTASTIC job. Only one froze up on us and the rest sat patiently in their pews. So, as a treat we had popsicles after nap time.

They had those popsicles with the really corny jokes on them...
What did the dentist say to the marching band? here's a tuba toothpaste
What smells funny? A clown
What do vegetables say at church? lettuce pray
What part of the computer was the elephant scared of? The mouse
What do you call cheese thats not yours? nacho cheese

Oh, theres tons and I find them funny, but the kiddies... not so much. They're not skilled in satire and rhetoric enough in their mere five years of existence. They always ask me to read their sticks, but look at me oddly when I start laughing. But today one tried making his own. It was something like Why did the duck cross the road? To eat a teacher!! OMG. haha


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Vacation

Isn't it crazy how fast kids grow? You blink, and they're another year older. I have only been with these little children only since January, but I have seen them grow soo much! Not only physically, but academically. These now-six-year-olds are taller and smarter with less teeth, but better reading skills. I am amazed when they create entire stories and write them down. They came in babies, but left first graders. Simply amazing.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forget Shorty... It's all about Shawnee!

It seems as if I'm catching all of the crazy kiddie talk that is going on around me lately. Today after lunch, I overheard a little boy singing to himself a song that went something like this: "Charlie is a memory in my head da ma deeda do..." He repeated this line over and over.

When I stopped to ask him what the words were he said that he didn't know them all but san it again anyway. Then another boy heard and said that the name wasn't Charlie, it was Shirley. They debated it a moment and decided to call in a third party. When a little girl got into the mix, she convinced everyone that the song went like this: "Shawnee is a melody in my head got me singin...." (she didn't know the rest either). So, for the rest of the day this is what they were singing. Over and over and over...
