A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Friday, May 4, 2012

Kind Hearted Souls

Every day that I have yard duty, I watch the kiddos kick countless balls over the fence. They always come running asking me to fetch it. And I do. However, sometimes I am too far away for their liking and they decide to take their chances another way...They begin shouting at anyone on the other side of that fence haha!

As I make my way over to save their ball, I watch as strangers go out of their way to help these caged school children. People walking their dogs or going for a run will cross the street to help. Those driving will put it in park and once I saw a woman reverse her sedan down the street. I am happy that there are more people who stop than those who keep driving. It reminds me that there are still more good people than bad :)


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