A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Smell the Roses... or the Shirt

I was just thinking about our senses. While we're teaching we try to stimulate them in order to get our little ones engaged and thinking. We obviously use sight and hearing a lot. When we bring in realia we use touch but rarely do we use taste and smell in lessons. Come to think of it, the sense of smell is one of those things that we take for granted every day.

I always stop to smell the pretty flowers growing outside our apartment building and absolutely bask in the smell of fresh bread from my bread machine, but otherwise I don't consciously smell things. I like knowing that I don't stink and that there is dog poop nearby (so I don't step in it) but I can't say that I use my nose for anything constructive (except maybe determining if the milk is expired).

Welllll....(you had to know a story was coming) when I was teaching pre-K I found a sweater on the floor and no one would would claim it. Of course it had no name on it, so after a couple days I decided to send it to the lost and found. When I gave it to a little girl to bring to the office she stuck her nose in it. She said that it was Peter's*. I gave her a questioning look so she handed it to another boy and he smelled it and said, "Yeah, it's Peter's. It just smells like him." So of course I had to give it a sniff and sure enough, I smelled it and it was his!

xxOOxx *Names are made up... as always.

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