A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Monday, October 4, 2010

In my Opinion

One shouldn't use certain things as a punishment. Some of these things include reading, writing, and physical exercise. I'm also not limiting this to the classroom. I believe that the types of punishments where a child must write standards, read silently, run a lap, or do push ups are counter-productive to their development.

As teachers, we spend our entire lives trying to get our students not only to read and write but to LOVE reading and writing. We want them to WANT to read books and write stories. However, by using these as punishment, they begin to believe that theses tasks are boring, monotonous, and a punishment (go figure). The same goes with physical exercise... we want kids to learn to LOVE exercise, to enjoy the feeling of physical exertion. But when we tell them to "go do a lap" and are surprised when they are in fifth grade and despise PE. C'mon people, I'm just asking for a little common sense!



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