I like the holidays...for the most part. Okay, I could do without the sale-crazed people, the outrageous consumption of the masses, and I could definitely do without the Christmas music before Thanksgiving.... However, the generosity of the season outweighs the cons. The unselfishness always amazes me.
A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher
Monday, December 13, 2010
..:::Oh Christmas Tree.::.Oh Christmas Tree::..
I like the holidays...for the most part. Okay, I could do without the sale-crazed people, the outrageous consumption of the masses, and I could definitely do without the Christmas music before Thanksgiving.... However, the generosity of the season outweighs the cons. The unselfishness always amazes me.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Oh, YOU!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Working Together
In a perfect world...
By Cleo V. Swarat
I dreamed I stood in a studio
And watched two sculptors there,
The clay they used was a young child’s mind
And they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher:
the tools she used were books and music and art;
One was a parent
With a guiding hand and gentle loving heart.
And when at last their work was done,
They were proud of what they had wrought.
For the things they had worked into the child
Could never be sold or bought!
And each agreed she would have failed
if she had worked alone.
For behind the parent stood the school,
and behind the teacher stood the home!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Birthday to MEE!
Friday, November 12, 2010
A riddle
Friday, November 5, 2010
Silly Girl!
Conversation of the day:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Facebook and Teaching
Friday, October 29, 2010
Any Questions?
Friday, October 22, 2010
The funniest joke...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
In my Opinion
Friday, October 1, 2010
One Disadvantage to Catholic Schools
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's Official!
...it says so on my teacher ID!!
I feel so official now. AND I can now get discounts at Barnes an Noble and Michaels!! YAY!! haha
Monday, September 27, 2010
Today, one little kindergartner totally made my day. He was walking by and decided he wanted to tell the aide something. So, he waited his turn and then he said (get this..) "Do you know how much I love pussy?" HahahaHAhahahaHAhaha.
Oh my goodness. The aid, bless her heart, turned BRIGHT red and looked up at me. Im sure I was the same color. He, however, seemed confused, so I asked "What!?" To which he replied, "I love pussies so much. They're so cute!"
Now, as I was about to implode from holding back laughter, all I could do was smile. Then, because obviously we still looked confused, he deemed it necessary to clarify further, "You know, PUSSY CATS?!" (which was promptly followed with a "my teachers are crazy" look)
Aaahhhh.... marvelous.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Welcome to Ms. D's Class!!
Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but I've been busy. Well, busy and kinda lazy... haha. But no I'm back in a school. In the rhythm of the new year, so you can expect more blogs and anecdotal stories soon! Until then, here are a few pics of MY classroom!! Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Necessary Risk?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
can you keep up??
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Status Update
Thank you for submitting your application to our district for one of the elementary teaching positions. We were overwhelmed by the response as we received over 1,000 applications. For us, this is a mixed blessing... blabittyblahblah...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Smell the Roses... or the Shirt
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Take one!
Although we are really looking for teachers with a few years of classroom experience, I was so impressed by your portfolio and recommendation letters, I would like to invite you to our school for an interview.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Twinkie Books
- It's time for Dodger baseball :)
- I get to shrug out of those huge sweaters and slip into shorts and cute sundresses
- I get to shop during the week so I don't have to deal with the crazy crowds
- It's finally warm enought to hit the beach
- Summer blockbusters (am I the only one holding my breath for Eclipse?!)
- Friends always come home during the summer
- vacations
- bbq's and water fights
- hanging by the pool with a margarita ;P
- and like John Travolta said....Oh ohhhh those Suummer niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights!!
I love that feeling and have just found my twinkie book series for the summer :)
Caution: The following books are FOR ADULTS ONLY and I'm DEFINATELY not recommending them for your classroom- only for your personal mental health ;P
If you are like me, you have totally fallen for the blood sucking-epic love story-vampire trend as seen in the Twilight series. Maybe, like me, you have read all of the books. Twice. If so have I got the series for you. The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward is an adult Twilight. I found the seven-book series by recommendation of a few different friends and have already devoured the first four in a matter of two weeks. They are the ultimate twinkie books so don't start them unless you have some extra time to indulge- it's TOTALLY worth it. Lemme know if you agree! (but I know you will)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Aaaaaand...it's over.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Over their Heads
It was Kindergarten's turn to plan the all-school mass and they did a FANTASTIC job. Only one froze up on us and the rest sat patiently in their pews. So, as a treat we had popsicles after nap time.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Vacation
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Forget Shorty... It's all about Shawnee!
When I stopped to ask him what the words were he said that he didn't know them all but san it again anyway. Then another boy heard and said that the name wasn't Charlie, it was Shirley. They debated it a moment and decided to call in a third party. When a little girl got into the mix, she convinced everyone that the song went like this: "Shawnee is a melody in my head got me singin...." (she didn't know the rest either). So, for the rest of the day this is what they were singing. Over and over and over...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Teaching Art
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Do More
“Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.”
—William Arthur Ward
(1921-1994); writer
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Celebrity Status
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Alice in Wonderland
Monday, May 24, 2010
My Little Pity-Party
Thank you for your recent application to _______ School District for the position of Elementary Teacher. The difficult job of screening applications has been completed. There were many fine candidates however not all applicants could be chosen for an interview. This email is to inform you that you have not been selected for an interview at this time.
..USD sincerely wishes you the best in all your employment endeavors,
Blah Blah Blech!
I get at least one letter like this a week. After about 20 weeks, I'm about to break down! Every time one comes into my inbox, I cringe. I don't deal well with failure. Normally, I push and push until I get what I want however, it doesn't seem to be working thus far. I'm so done.
Yeah, yeah... I know what you're saying "but Ashley, It's a hard market for EVERYONE right now...There are just too many displaced teachers....just wait it out...you'll get a job, don't worry!" Well, thanks for the encouragement, but I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. How am I supposed to get a job if they won't even give me an interview?? Gahhhhhhhh!!!!! It's just that after months and MONTHS of job searching, I'm coming up empty-handed. I don't see a light at the end of this very long tunnel.
You know what kills me most?? Do you? It's the fact that I KNOW there are teachers out there who hate what they're doing. They give the kids worksheets all day and don't have the passion it takes to be an above-average teacher. They're sitting in their classrooms, biding time, waiting to retire and I'm on the outside banging on the door until my hands are bloody. Why do I try so hard?
Thanks for indulging in my pity-party... more upbeat posts to follow...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My Kingdom for a Doughnut
A couple weeks ago, I was given yet another delightful, if not diabetes-causing, doughnut for one birthday or another (see Teaching is a lot of Calories post) . Seeing as it was the middle of class, I put it on my desk. About ten minutes later I caught one of the girls scoping out my snack. I was sitting at my desk talking to a few students about their work when, out of the corner of my eye, I see her grab a piece of my doughnut!! My doughnut! Right off my desk! Right in front of me! I was stunned into non-action.
It took all of three seconds to execute this well-thought out plan. She snatched a piece, stuffed it in her mouth and ran off in record time. When I finally realized what had happened she was already five feet away. I called her name and she froze. She turned slowly and looked at me with her big brown eyes. When I saw her, I almost laughed. She looked as guilty as a cat who has just eaten a canary (especially because there was a0 little doughnut peeking out of the corner of her mouth).
I called her over and she started crying.
Me: Why did you do that?
Her: It was an accident.
me: (almost laughing again) How was that an accident?
Her: I donno. I'm soooorrryyyyyyy!
Me: Why did you do that?
Her: I like doughnuts. I wanted it.
Me: Okay, but I think you need to move your stick and have a time out for touching something on Ms. D's desk.
Her: okay.
Later that day she had to tell her mom why she wasn't on green. When she finally whispered the reason in her mom's ear, her mom's eyes became HUGE! Ahh... it was such a funny situation, I almost didn't punish her, but I had to... funny girl!
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
This book is the most fun "fairy tale" book to read to a class. It's narrator, Jack, has no clue what he's doing. He puts the table of contents before the title page and skips pages in the book. Century-old tales are cut up, ripped apart, and thrown back together haphazardly to create a menagerie of new tales. It is witty, sarcastic, and hilarious.
Caution: this book does say "stupid"(gasp!) several times and the class goes wild. I wouldn't really use it for a read aloud for classes under second or third grade because they might not understand the smart-aleck anecdotes throughout the stories!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
::..Oh, the Sings they Sing..:::
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For ever wave of gray;
For purple mountain majesty
A-BOVE the fruity plain!
AMERICA! AMERICA! (shouting)
God shed His grace on dee,
And crowned my good with bro-ther-hood,
From sea to shining SEAAAAAA.!!
Haha... you should hear them in the morning. They make me laugh! I mean, ever wave of grey, what is that?... and why is dee so special in God's eyes?? Silly kids!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Marble Painting
Sunday, May 16, 2010
ATTN: Awesome new BLOG!
Friday, May 14, 2010
LA Zoo Craziness!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Music to my Ears
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Technology and the President
I absolutely adore the use of technology in the classroom. There is something about it that draws in attention to your lesson. In my student teaching and various sub jobs, I have been fortunate enough to get to play with the smartboard. It projects your computer screen onto an interactive whiteboard so that the students (or you) can write, draw, and move images for the class. It's AMAZING and I really hope that I can use one in my own classroom soon. Actually, all I really need is a projector. I love bringing images and animation into the lesson and projecting images from the web onto the board makes it soooo much easier. Imagine having the technology to answer ANY question at ANY time in front of the class. Imagine pulling up millions of images of ANYTHING across the history of mankind in seconds. The possibilities are just mindboggling! I'm so glad that I'm a teacher in this wonderful age of technology.
However, apparently our President doesn't feel quite the same way:
"And meanwhile, you're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank that high on the truth meter. And with iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. So all of this is not only putting pressure on you; it's putting new pressure on our country and on our democracy."
While I agree with him in that Xboxes and Playstations aren't the most wholesome way to spend our free time, I completely disagree that information could be a distraction to us and our country. I think that this new age of Wikipedia and online information overload teachers can begin to create good researchers even earlier. We can show our students how to find true, reliable sources that support our own arguments. Maybe because President Obama doesn't know how to work these new-fangled contraptions he is a little scared of the possibilities that they hold. I, for one, can not believe that our president cannot see the benefits to new technology since he is the first President with a Facebook page...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mommy's Day!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Parents, Babies, and Marriage...oh my!!
Me: "Who knows what Sunday is?"
kids: "Mother's Day!!"
M: "Do you have a mom?"
me: "yes, of course I do."
M: "Whats her name?"
me: "uhh... Mrs. D." :P
M: So you're Ms. D and your mom's name is Mrs. D."
T: "And your dad's name is Mr. D."
Me: "Haha.. that's right!"
Me: "So, on Sunday we celebrate all of our Mommies and tell them how much we love them."
S: "Do you have kids?"
Me: "No. why?"
S: "Because you're too young!"
P: "Ms. D., are you married?"
Me: "No."
P: "Thank goodness!"
Geeze. What a Friday!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mischief Makers
After lunch, a little boy runs up to me and is just about crying. He wines, "Ms. D! Ms. D! My leg is stuck!!" I was thinking... how can your leg be stuck if you're running?? Nevertheless I look down. I almost choked due to stifling a laugh. This little monkey had found a zip tie and attached it to his leg during lunch. Then, he panicked because it wouldn't come off. I told him we'd have to cut off his foot. He didn't believe me. So, I cut off the zip tie and saved his life all in the course of a day's work!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
I know that this is true because teachers in my life have affected me greatly, even to this day. So, on this very special day that is dedicated to the teachers that love, care for, and teach us more than textbooks ever could... THANK YOU! So, in chronological order:
Thank you to my very first teachers, my parents. You taught me more than I could ever write down or even count. You taught me how to be a good student.
Thank you to my second teachers, my two younger sisters. You both have built my character and taught me how to be a teacher.
Thank you to my favorite fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Stevens. Your wacky ways and love of books has inspired me from my first day in your classroom- I bet you don't even know how much I strive to be like you as I am becoming a teacher on my own!
Thank you to my favorite seventh grade teacher, whose name I forgot but who's actions live on in my memory. Thank you for always expecting the best and never settling for less- It's helped me expect more from myself.
Thank you to my very first above-par college professor, Professor Turner. You were outspoken and clearly a bit insane, but you inspired me to take a stand. To believe in something. To DO something.
Thank you to my favorite professor, Dr. Marchevsky. Your belief that my writing could be better, that my argument could be better, that my structure could be better helped me try harder and write better.
Thank you to my two wonderful credentialing professors. Dr. Persiani, you continually inspire me withwords of encouragement and your willingness to go 1000% for your class, whether it be elementary or university. Dr. Beltran, by leading by example you taught me that everyone can be an exceptional teacher with the right tools and attitude. Thank you for giving me both.
There are tons of teachers in our lives, even students are teachers many times. These are just the ones that I want to thank today for making me who I am.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Book Review: Olivia Kidney and the Exit Academy
This is the second book in a three book series. It was actually re-named Olivia Kidney Stops for No One. It's a great story for those classes that say "We want something scary!!" They all do. I was never a fan of goosebumps and you can't give them anything actually scary because they're still kids (event though many do watch horror movies with their parents, but that's another post altogether..)
Olivia Kidney is able to talk to spirits! This book is a great big mystery and is written in a way that both adults and students will enjoy the humor! I would say that it is a good read aloud for grades 3 and up and that by fourth grade, students could read it by themselves.
What's really convenient is that if you used it as a read-aloud, student's would be inspired to read the rest of the series on their own!! Way to go you inspirational teacher you :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Field Trips are the Craziest way to Spend a Day!
Today I took this mob to the movie theater to watch Oceans. It was actually a great day and the kids were very good (for a group of 18 five year olds). Luckily, there were only four other people in the theatre this morning! The kids got into the movie and are now enamored with whales. I think I might have to teach them the different types because during the movie, I heard them calling a Beluga whale an Orca. Lol. They are full of new questions and wonder of the sea. It's so exciting! Despite having a fun time, I am totally exhausted. I think I over thought the whole fieldtrip thing and let myself worry too much. Not too bad for the first time though! Next fieldtrip...ALBERTSONS!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rubrics are for Everyone!
A while ago I met a teacher who had never made friends with grading rubrics. One day this teacher asked me if a paper looked like a B paper. I don't know WHAT a B paper looks like! According to my standards or yours?? Geeze people. I didn't even know what to say. I was flabberghasted that a teacher would actually grade like that.
All I can say is "Thank you Dr. PB for enlightening us and not letting me be one of those teachers!!"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ouch My TOE!!
This past week, my toes have nearly fallen off due to the large amount of people stepping on them. Albeit, they aren't large people, but after a while it gets old. I swear that when we are five years old, our personal bubbles must only extend one inch from our bodies! Anyway, one boy stepped on my toe bright and early one morning
Me: "Heya! Don't step on me!"
Him: "Sorry Ms. D!"
About twenty minutes later, his feet find mine again
Me: "Peter*, you're on my toe again. Can't you feel my feet?"
Him: [smiling]"Yeah Ms. D., I can feel em."
Me: "Then gerrof!"
After Recess, his feet actually make it under the table i was sitting at!
Me: "Peter, I'm going to charge you a quarter every time you step on me from now on! Okay?"
Him: "Then you won't have to teach anymore."
Me: "What do you mean?"
Him: "I'll give you so many quarters you won't have to be a teacher!"
*Names have been changed just in case.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day!
One thing I love Love LOVE about working in Pre-K is that I can do arts and crafts till my fingers stick together! I found this really cute art project online and decided to try it today... I think it came out suuuper cute.
I painted their hands blue with a little green for the land, then pressed them on recycled paper. Then they were able to see that the world is quite literally in their hands :D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ok, So I've been tutoring a kindergartener in English for the past month. When we first started, she could barely say the sounds of the letters let alone read anything. So, we practiced and she slowly picked up all the sounds of the letters. Then, we kind of hit a block wall. She didn't want to try, she started ignoring me, She made ZERO progress. I was discouraged to say the least. Colleagues said to keep at it. That it would click. Eventually. I was starting to doubt it. She understood that letters made sounds, but not that sounds made words. Nothing I did made it any better.
Then, out of the blue, she sounded out /car/!! All by herself. I didn't even have to prompt her :)) I almost jumped for joy in the middle of the library. You don't even understand my joy. I still get a smile when I think about it!
So, this is why I teach. I almost forgot.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Over it
...the search engines.
...the lack of openings.
...the "in-house only" openings.
...the "we regret to inform you..."
...the unanswered e-mails.
...job hunting.
I am over it and I want no part of it. I guess I'm going to live on the street now. I'll make a sign that says: "Will teach for food" or maybe "I'm here because of budget cuts" I'll probably get more money with that one!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Teaching is a lot of Calories
Today we're making upsidedown cake for the letter U. It's endless. But hey, I guess I'll take one for the team. ;P
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Caution: Hard Hat Area
You're laughing. I know you're thinking... "What do teachers do that is so hazardous? Get glue in their hair?" Well, YES! and glitter under my nails! Haha. Okay, but seriously, I almost broke my neck today tripping over a five year old! They have this way of getting underfoot and seriously causing accidents. One of my colleagues almost had her nose broken when a little boy bashed his head into it. Another shattered her ankle after falling off a chair while trying to hang up artwork. I've had a couple of serious stapling incidents and a few massive bruises from tricycles. Maybe we should wear shinguards...Okay, so it's not THE MOST dangerous job in the world, but I'm tired of people laughing when I tell them I got injured at work ;P
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
U is for Umpire
This week in school we are studying the letter "Uu." Can you imagine how many words start with u? Let me tell you, not many. Can you imagine my excitement when one of the word cards was "umpire"? Let me tell you, it was great. So, that spurred a fifteen minute conversation with four and five year olds about baseball, their favorite teams, the purpose of an umpire, and their experiences with sports. One little one said, "Ms. D., I loobe the Dodgers too! My favorite player is Manny. He's so dreeamy." Ahh... Life is good.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Ok, Just Rub it In...
It was dated April 7, 2010 and is all about me! Haha. Not really but almost. It's about budget cuts and the impending shortage of teachers. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell basically restates everything that I am living right now. He said that the budget cuts are pushing the dedicated and true teachers away from the profession and are discouraging new, brilliant, and fantastic teachers from even wanting to enroll in a credentialing program.
O'Connell said that we have to come up with a better strategy to deal with our issues:
"To get out of this recession and for California's economy to thrive we must have an education system that helps all students gain the critical skills necessary to compete in the global economy, to reach this goal, we must find a stable, long-term solution that will encourage the best and the brightest to become teachers and to keep them in the classroom."
Although it seems like O'Connell was restating the obvious, maybe someone will listen for a change. Hey! A girl can dream can't she?!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Toothless smiles :)
I can remember when I lost my baby teeth. It's such a weird right of passage, isn't it? Pieces of your body falling out. Weird but oddly amazing. Feeling a little wiggle, then it wiggles more, and even more until it feels like it's hanging on by a thread. When that stubborn tooth FINALLY falls out (or is pulled out in many cases) it's such a relief! Then, you get to feel that gap in your mouth where a new tooth is timidly poking out. I had completely forgotten about the mystery of this experience until I started working with the little ones.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's like a retail job...but not...
I was called to interview for a preschool lead teacher position. I bring my portfolio, print out my resume on pretty paper, make sure I'm a little early for the interview just to have my hopes crushed and then stomped on... There was a form to fill out with the regular interview info (name, prior experiences, references etc.). When it came to that little box where it says "How much do you expect to make?" I put a good figure, because they always try to pay you less anyway. The director took it and started laughing. She said, and I quote, "HaHa! I make waaay less than that. Like waaaay!" Following this, I was regailed with her life story and it turns out that she has a BA and works two jobs because she can't find a job that pays more than $12 hr. Geeze. I make more than that subbing!
I am going to have to start asking how much these places pay before actually going on an interview from now on!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Website Review: Toon Doo
Thursday, March 25, 2010
- The "Oh My Goodness, I Haven't Seen You In Almost Ten Minutes" Hug: This hug is quick and usually has a small velocity due to the running start. It is usually followed by a breif upward glance and a warm smile. It makes me remember that they really do like me :)
- The "Sneak Attack" Hug: This hug is usually unexpected and comes from either the back or sides. I don't know what triggers this hug, but I don't really care either. There is nothing more lovely than realizing that you have a kindergartener (or two) sqqueezing the life out of your legs for no apparent reason.
- The "I'm Hurt" Hug: This hug is usually paired with tears due to a fall or hurt feelings. It usually follows a nice pep talk and maybe an ice pack (in extremely life threatning situations). I like this hug because it makes me feel like I have magical healing powers.
- The "I Miss My Mommy/Daddy But You'll Do For Now" Hug: This is the saddest hug because sometimes it comes with tears and it always contains the strongest emotions behind it. Unlike the "I'm Hurt" hug, this one isn't fixed as easily. Many children never need this hug, but when they do, it's the most important one of all!
- The "I Love You Miss D." Hug: This one is obviously detected. The child will walk up to you, look you in the eyes, and say "I love you Miss D." and give you the biggest hug ever! These always make me smile because of the unabashed declaration of love.
There are more, but these are my favorites.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Culture Shock
As some of you might also know, I recently began tutoring after school for a company that has a government contract with LAUSD in compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act. Three days a week, I do one-on-one tutoring with a kindergartner in a low-income district. Her mother speaks very little English and she is in a classroom with more than 25 other 5 year-olds. She is very smart but has a language disadvantage that we're working on adamantly.
It is culture shock in the truest sense of the word as I go from interacting with my classroom to the one student. She cannot read. She can barely write. She cannot express herself in coherent sentences. It is actually mildly frightening. For Dr. Seuss Day I read Yurtle the Turtle to the class and they thought it was the most hilarious book ever. I read the first two pages while tutoring today and she was so lost that I decided that maybe we should get through Green Eggs and Ham first. I enjoy the change of pace that a 1:1 provides and she tries so hard during our sessions, I know she'll learn very fast. Its weird to think that I might be making a bigger difference in this one little girl's life than in all the kinder class combined. Still, the culture shock is extreme.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
World Poetry Day
Lovely Teacher
by Linda Knaus
(sing to the tune of “Clementine”)
Lovely teacher, lovely teacher—
eyes of periwinkle blue.
You are such a pretty creature,
and I’m so in love with you.
How I long for your attention,
so I’m acting like a fool.
Put me down for some detention,
just don’t send me home from school.
Oh, I’m filled with pain and sorrow,
for my teacher is so cute,
but she won’t be here tomorrow,
’cause she’s just a substitute.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Just Do It
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight,
People really need help but may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth,
author unkown
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Book Review: Everything on a Waffle
by Polly Horvath