A blog about the trials and tribulations of a new teacher

Friday, April 16, 2010

Teaching is a lot of Calories

No, I didn't mean that teaching burns a lot of calories, I mean that there is a lot of calorie intake! Especially in the lower grades I think. Parents think it is imperative to bring in lots of sweets for birthdays and the like or else the kids will be disappointed. Case in point: yesterday a parent brought in twenty those individual clown ice cream cones from Baskin Robbins. They were delicious. Last week we had these scrumptious cupcakes with LOTS of icing. On top of the birthdays in OUR classroom, whenever a student in the school brings in sweets for their birthday, they bring one for every teacher too! I don't even want to think about it.

Today we're making upsidedown cake for the letter U. It's endless. But hey, I guess I'll take one for the team. ;P


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